
Review Of The Best CBD Capsules In South Africa

Capsules are a convenient way of consuming most medication, and CBD is no different. It interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the body and produces the desired results, with hardly any known side-effects.

CBD is commonly used for its anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, and analgesic properties. It helps treat symptoms associated with various diseases and provides relief from chronic pain. It also helps overcome anxiety and insomnia and maintain overall mental health, which is essential for a healthy body.

In this article, we will take a look at the best CBD capsules from some of the top brands in South Africa. The list consists of carefully curated products to help you find the right CBD pill for you.


CBD Tablets For Oral Consumption

CBD tablets are an alternate way of consuming CBD oil, which is more widely used. The advantage is that the CBD pills leave you with no aftertaste and are completely odourless. So if you’re a fan of the base ingredient, but not the flavours of CBD oil, you can switch to capsules.

Cannabidiol capsules are extensively used in cancer treatment, to curb the side-effects of chemotherapy. They help patients by increasing their lost appetite and reducing pain. And they’re totally legal, with absolutely no issues procuring them.

According to WHO, there are no known problems associated with the use of pure CBD capsules. Provided it doesn’t interfere with any existing medications you might be taking. Still, it is important to consult your doctor before swallowing CBD softgels to ensure that they are safe for you.

Best CBD Oil Pills On The Market

CBD capsules usually come packaged in neat bottles and the prescribed consumption depends on the dosage. Their prices are on par with that of CBD oils and it’s really only a matter of convenience and preference, choosing one over the other.

AfricanPure Everyday Gel Capsules 300mg


AfricanPure brings to you one of the best hemp-derived CBD capsules on the market, with each tablet containing a dose of 10mg.

It is recommended to take one pill twice a day or two pills in the morning before breakfast. Don’t forget to consult your physician before you self medicate and decide your own dosage.

Each AfricanPure bottle contains about 30 soft gel capsules and is perfect for your general health.

Check Price: AfricanPure Everyday Gel Capsules 300mg

Cibdol CBD Softgel Capsules 960mg


Cibdol CBD Softgel Capsules are the best CBD oil tablets out there. They are free from toxins and growth hormones and contain no artificial preservatives. Their lactose-free property makes them fit for consumption by everyone.

Each jar of the product contains 60 capsules and each capsule has a dose of 16mg. This organic pill is extremely popular as a natural painkiller, along with providing the many other benefits of CBD oil.

Cidbol swears by its quality and is one of the best-known brands available for cannabidiol pills.

Check Price: Cibdol CBD Softgel Capsules 960mg

Herbology CBD Capsules Strong 600mg


If insomnia is what you are looking to cure, Herbology CBD Capsules Strong 600mg is perfect for you. It helps boost immunity in addition to helping you sleep better.

Each pill consists of a blend of magnesium, hops, coconut oil, cbd extract, lemon balm, chamomile, and lavender blossom. The dosage is 20mg per tablet and it is advisable to take 1 capsule every evening, in consultation with your doctor.

There are 30 capsules in each bottle and it is one of the more economical brands on the market.

Check Price: Herbology CBD Capsules Strong 600mg

Fourfive CBD Capsules


Fourfive CBD capsules have been carefully crafted for those looking for prolonged effects of CBD oil. The best time to take them is in the morning, before heading to work to reap its benefits throughout the day.

The capsules are easily digestible as it contains CO2 extracted, high-quality cannabis extract and inulin powder. They are perfect for those looking to maintain an extremely active lifestyle.

The best part about this product is that once you have taken your dose in the morning, you don’t need to worry about having to carry the bottle around with you. The morning dose is enough to get you through the day.

Check Price: Fourfive CBD Capsules

In Conclusion- Best CBD Capsules

CBD is beneficial to the body in many ways. It is available in various forms like oils, creams, gummies, and capsules. Gulping down a pill with a glass of water is probably the most convenient way of using the drug and hardly takes any time.

CBD capsules provide chronic pain relief, help treat anxiety and insomnia, act against depression, and contribute to maintaining a healthy lifestyle in general. They are completely legal and do not induce a ‘high’, as opposed to other cannabis products.

A trusted product from a reputed and verified source ensures quality. It prevents you from consuming a sub-standard variant of the extremely effective CBD oil in terms of an average soft gel.

Even if you are using the best product available on the market, it is important to keep your doctor in the loop.

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  2. Widaad Adams

    This product is the best product and I would recommend this to everyone to take. 120 out of 100. You won’t regret it.

  3. Widaad Adams

    This product is the best product and I would recommend this to everyone to take. 120 out of 100. You won’t regret it.

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  5. Candice Barnard

    I have been using allure for 6 weeks now. Not only has it slowed my hair loss, but I am actually starting to see regrowth as well. I also struggle with soft, thin nails which are now a lot stronger and thicker than ever before. I am loving this product and will continue using!

  6. Candice Barnard

    I have been using allure for 6 weeks now. Not only has it slowed my hair loss, but I am actually starting to see regrowth as well. I also struggle with soft, thin nails which are now a lot stronger and thicker than ever before. I am loving this product and will continue using!

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