What’s The Deal With CBD Oil At Dischem?

For some reason, a few months ago when the high court ruling was made and weed was all the talk, this idea of buying CBD Oil at Dischem seemed to pop up. For a while, we haven’t been able to work out if they were perhaps selling CBD during that time, or had announced plans to, but the only hemp-related product we were able to find Dischem selling was hemp seed oil.

Since then, times have changed and we can now consider our local pharmacies as sources for this organic medicine. What was once somewhat of a new urban legend among online weed culture in South Africa (as we’ve had a number of people telling us to look for CBD at Dischem), we can now clarify its legitimacy. We’ve written this article to set the record straight, and lead those who are just as unsure as we were in the right direction.


Can you Buy CBD Oil at Dischem?

In short, yes. We searched online and in-store, as well as phoning a number of larger branches, and we have found that they are now stocking a broad range of CBD oil for the public.

It has taken them a very long time to announce the news officially. This is most likely due to the fact that CBD Oil has only recently become fully legal in South Africa. The framework is has taken a while to be put in place for a legal CBD market, so big corporations like Dischem and Clicks have only just caught on.

For those looking to use CBD or Dagga Oil for Cancer, anxiety, sleeplessness, or nausea, your local pharmacy could be the right place to look – ver, finding the right product for you means broadening the scope. So, we still suggest looking over the variety of other cannabis dispensaries in South Africa.

Can you Find Hemp Seed Oil at Dischem?

While Dischem doesn’t stock any CBD oil, it is one of the many hemp seed oil suppliers in South Africa, which may have contributed to the confusion. A legal nutritional oil quite similar to Olive Oil or Coconut Oil, the hemp seed oil is rich in omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids. It is best used cold as it has a very low smoke point and can’t really be heated. Hemp seeds also contain more protein than both chia seeds and flaxseed.

Many people use hemp oil as part of their daily supplement routine, adding it to pastas, sauces, salad dressings, and even smoothies and protein shakes. It’s a fully legal product made from hemp (which is essentially cannabis with a THC content of 0.3% or less), and we’re excited to see CBD getting regulated in a similar way.

Hemp seed oil has long been available from Dischem, as well as most health shops or holistic wellness outlets countrywide.

CBD Oil Dischem Price

You may have arrived on this page in search of CBD Oil prices, so we thought we’d briefly discuss how much it costs. The price of CBD Oil in South Africa varies depending on several factors, including the strength of the oil, the other ingredients involved, and the brand. Most CBD oils come in 30ml bottles, with varying amounts of the active chemical (measured in mg), which dictates the strength.

In Conclusion

Now that you know exactly what the story is with CBD Oil at Dischem you can now make an informed choice about how to shop for your cannabis products. We hope that we have supplied you with some helpful knowledge and alternatives, and made the somewhat confusing process of finding CBD Oil a bit easier.

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  1. magda theron

    good morning

    im working in a hospital and it is long hours on my feed.
    what can I use – of this range- for my feed.
    it is painfull during the night
    I believe in natural medication

    please help

    1. Matt

      Hi Magda

      You might benefit from something like this that has a variety of benefits: https://cannabuddy.co.za/product/cbd-sleep-oil/

      We hope you find something that works!

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