Two kids pulling funny faces

The Best CBD Oil for Kids in South Africa

CBD kids products are a thing. You might not think that they go hand in hand, but CBD oil is known to have a broad range of benefits. We know these work well for adults, so the next question is obviously, can those benefits help children?

With the law being much more open with the use of CBD products, some parents have considered and are using it with their kids. Some parents still have reservations about the use of cannabis and it’s easy to understand why, especially since it was illegal for such a long time.

Since we already have CBD creams, oils, and gummies for adults, here we will go through kids CBD oil, its benefits, risks, and some of the best products available.


FYI: Did you know that you get CBD oils for pets?


Is CBD Safe for Kids?

Generally speaking, yes. CBD can be safe for kids but only if it is CBD isolate. There is one distinct difference in CBD isolate, which is that it doesn’t contain any percentage of THC. THC is the part of the marijuana plant that essentially causes a person to get high, while natural, pure CBD doesn’t have that effect at all.

There isn’t that much research into using CBD oil for children, but some parents have been using it to help their children. Some of the main usages are CBD oil for kids with anxiety, ADHD, or seizures. Although the long-term risks aren’t yet identified, it does seem that more parents are willing to use it, since it does help.



CBD for ADHD – Does it Work for Kids

It seems that as more time passes CBD and ADHD are frequently mentioned in the same breath. There is yet to be significant research made to whether CBD helps with ADHD. Here it’s a case of parents and their experiences when using the oils with their kids.

A lot of parents have come out to say that using CBD oil for ADHD can help with reducing or even stopping their regular ADHD medication entirely. Since it’s an all-natural oil, a lot of parents prefer it over the use of other medications.


Other Benefits of CBD for Kids

Like any CBD product, there are always benefits linked to it. In recent years a lot of people have started using CBD for medical purposes since it is seen as a natural reliever.


Anxiety is a typical case that a lot of parents are concerned about. CBD has been shown by a study to help with anxiety in kids. It can also be an alternative or an addition to regular anti-anxiety medication.


There is evidence that proves that the first CBD medicine approved by the U.S food and drug administration, Epidiolex can help curb a form of epilepsy.  It is seen as one of the best natural remedies for epilepsy, as other medications can carry tons of possible mental and physical side effects.

Pain & Inflammation

One of the more common reasons CBD is used is for pain and inflammation. The best part is that you don’t need a big dosage when used for pain and inflammation. It can be used for any sort of pain, even for mild injuries like a sprained ankle.

CBD oil with the lid off on a straw mat

Concerns of CBD for Children

Although CBD does carry some benefits, it still has risks and a few unanswered questions that should be considered before using it on your children.

  • CBD products are safe but they can have a bad effect depending on some of the medication that a child is already taking
  • Since using CBD oils for children is still a fairly new topic, there is a concern about what is the right dosage
  • To constantly use CBD can be an expensive process. The products aren’t at all cheap and could be pricey if used regularly
  • Some benefits and possible risks still lack scientific research


Can a child overdose on CBD oil?

A child can’t overdose when using pure CBD. Sub-standard or non-pure CBD oil can affect your child negatively. It is important to discuss the usage of CBD oils for children with a doctor and only to buy from a trustworthy provider.

CBD oil on a marijuana leaf


Best CBD Oil for Children

Now that you have an understanding of CBD oils and know the benefits and concerns it has on children, let’s go through some products. There are other products like CBD gummies for kids and some creams, but here we will list some of the best CBD oils that kids can use.


Elixinol CBD Oil Drops

One of the purest CBD oils available, the Elixinol oil is of high standards and contains only natural ingredients. Available in natural and cinnamint flavour, this low 100mg is perfect for anyone who is not used to using CBD oil.

Find out more about the Elixinol CBD drops here.

Elixinol Tincture CBD Oil

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CBD Hemp Oil Mild – Biotechnologies

CBD hemp oil is a great natural pain reliever for minor health issues. This best-seller provides relief for pain, anxiety, and inflammation-related issues. The oil contains no psychoactive cannabinoids and only 2% CBD per bottle which makes this a perfect oil for a little one.

Find out more about CBD Hemp Oil here.

CBD Health Hemp Oil

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Cannaco CBD Oil Vanilla Mint Flavour

An oil that smells like choc mint on a hot day. The vanilla gives you a sweet burst followed by a cooling minty sensation. With a THC level of 0,001%, this is a perfect oil for kids. There is a sweet burst of natural flavor from the vanilla followed by a cooling sensation from the mint. A tasty experience that kids will love!

Find out more about Cannaco CBD Oil here.

Cannaco Vanilla Mint CBD Oil

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Final Thoughts on CBD Oil for Children

With the advancement of CBD in recent years, the topic of CBD oil and children is one that many people would not have imagined.

Although CBD oil has so many benefits and could help your child with several possible health issues, the decision is always going to land on the parents.

But for any parents looking for an all-natural remedy to their child’s issues, CBD could be the way to go.

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