When it comes to the wellness of our furry friends, most of us will go to the end of the world and back to find something that will relieve them of discomfort, pain, and illness. Imagine assisting your beloved pets while also relieving their anxiety and stress. Well, this is possible with the best CBD oil for pets in South Africa.
Veterinary clinics and scientists across the globe are now looking into the potential healing benefits of CBD. This non-psychoactive compound found within the marijuana plant is said to be good for treating inflammation, muscle recovery, and pain relief.
Let’s delve deeper into this compound, and by the end of this article, you will be in the loop on how CBD oil for pets can assist and whether it is the right choice for your fluffy companion.
Top 5 CBD Oil For Pets in South Africa
If you’re looking for the best range of CBD oil for cats in South Africa, or any other pet for that matter, here is a list of our favorite providers! Each supplier is known for making high-quality, effective CBD oil tinctures that can aid your pet in many different ways.
1. Cannabuddy 300mg Full-Spectrum CBD Oil For Pets
Cannabuddy full-spectrum CBD oil has been formulated with pets in mind. The CBD oil works with the CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors connect to the endocannabinoid system, which is part of the central nervous system. They also connect with the immune system.
We love that Cannabuddy’s full-spectrum CBD oil helps your fur baby’s body and brain to communicate more efficiently. This increased communication allows your pet to cope with typical daily struggles they may have.
Other great benefits of this CBD oil for pets include:
- Increased appetite
- Regulated sleep
- Improved memory
- Digestive issues improvement
- Less anxiety, fear, and aggression
- Healthy skin and coat
When it comes to giving your pets CBD oil, it is very important to give them a dosage that they are going to be comfortable with. It is advised to start off with Cannabuddy’s “low dose”. This does two things for our pets:
- Allows a slow and steady build-up of CBD in your pet’s system.
- Allows you to monitor their progress after taking the CBD oil and note changes.
Note: You should always stay under 20mg of CBD oil daily.
2. Taste of Cannabis Pets CBD Oil – Isolate (300mg)
Taste of Cannabis is one of the best online cannabis dispensaries in South Africa. It has a steady commitment to providing only the highest quality of CBD oil, so you are bound to be impressed by its standard of CBD oil for your pets, just like we were.
This Taste of Cannabis pet’s CBD isolate promotes calmness and relieves stress, pain, and inflammation in your fur baby’s body. The oil is formulated to help with digestion, strengthen the immune system, and promote the overall wellbeing of your pet.
Here are a few benefits of this CBD oil for pets:
- Strengthens the immune system
- Alleviates pain
- Relieves stress
- Reduces inflammation
- Helps with digestion
The dosage you give your furry friend depends on its body weight. Taste of Cannabis suggests that the following doses should be administered twice a day:
1 spray = 1.6mg CBD oil
Small pets = 2 to 4 sprays
Medium pets = 4 to 6 sprays
Large pets = 6 to 9 sprays
Extra large pets = 9 to 11 sprays
3. Vondi’s THC Free CBD Oil (50ml – 50mg/ 300mg)
Vondi’s THC-free CBD oil is an excellent choice for pet owners looking to alleviate their furry babies from pain, inflammation, and other ailments without any psychoactive reactions. Vondi’s CBD oil for pets is holistically produced, making it vegan-friendly.
Pets have a more complex endocannabinoid system than humans, having more receptors. Vondi’s arguably offers the best CBD oil for dogs in South Africa. We like that it contains a mixture of carriers and essential oils such as olive, grape seed, and coconut, which come with nutritional benefits.
Here are a few of the many benefits of this particular CBD pet oil:
- Helps ease dermatitis
- Pain relief without side effects
- Great for treating anxiety
- Helps treat serious and potentially life-threatening seizures and convulsions
Vondi’s suggests these daily dosages depending on the size of your pet. Please note that the sizing is available on the dropper.
50 mg dosage for oil per day:
Small dogs/ cats: 1ml = 1mg
Medium-sized dogs: 2ml = 2mg
Large-sized dogs: 3ml = 3mg
300 mg dosage of oil per day:
Small dogs/ cats: 1ml = 3 drops
Medium-sized dogs: 2ml = 6 drops
Large-sized dogs: 3ml = 9 drops
4. Nutriflex CannaMax Gold CBD Oil For Dogs and Cats (600mg – 30ml)
Made with 100% natural CBD, Nutriflex CannaMax Gold CBD oil provides an array of potential benefits such as stress alleviation, reduced anxiety, better sleep, pain, inflammation, and nausea relief.
This broad-spectrum CBD oil for pets is infused with Curcuma longa (turmeric) and black pepper extract, making it flavourful and enjoyable for your pet. The oil is made via gentle methods that help preserve the delicate balance of cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes found in hemp.
Here is a list of the possible benefits of this CBD oil for pets:
- Helps with allergies
- Relives separation anxiety, noise phobia, fear, and aggression
- Treats epilepsy and seizures
- Potential cancer-fighting benefits
Below you’ll find Nutrifelx’s recommended daily CBD oil for pets dosages:
No of drops 2 (0.1ml) — 300 Servings
2mg CBD
Dogs – Small breed (<10kg):
No of drops 5 (0.25ml) — 120 Servings
5mg CBD
Dogs – Medium breed (<25kg):
No. of drops 10 (0,5ml) — 60 Servings
10mg CBD
Dogs – Large breed (25kg+):
No. of drops 15 (0,75ml) — 40 Servings
15mg CBD
Note: You can also follow dosage directions as recommended by your veterinarian.
5. Gizzls Full-Spectrum CBD Pet Oil (1000mg)
Blended with hemp seed oil Gizzls CBD oil for pets is high in whole fatty acids and minerals, making it easily absorbable. This full-spectrum CBD oil can be used to treat a variety of ailments including arthritis, seizures, and allergies.
Gizzls’ CBD oil is also effective in treating conditions such as skin itching, it helps with pain management, and often stimulates a pet’s appetite.
Other great benefits of this specific CBD oil include:
- Aiding digestion
- Providing joint support
- Promotes heart health
- Aid cancer treatment
Here are Gizzls’ recommended daily doses of CBD oil for dogs and cats:
2-3 drops per 10kg body weight, 2-3 times a day
2 drops twice a day
Note: Gizzls suggest that you start with a low dosage and slowly increase it over time until the desired effect is achieved.
Top 5 Benefits of CBD for Pets
You may already know about the benefits of CBD oil for humans, but do you have any clue what the possible benefits of organic CBD oil for dogs and other pets are?
CBD oil, also known as cannabidiol, is a natural compound that works on animals’ and humans’ endocannabinoid systems. This system regulates and controls critical functions such as learning, memory, eating, sleep, and emotional processing.
Once CBD oil is ingested or absorbed it works on the cannabinoid receptors, offering a myriad of healing benefits. Here are some of the most common and impactful potential benefits that CBD oil has for your pets.
1. Anti-inflammation
One of the benefits of this non-psychoactive compound is that it can help your pets by relieving and soothing inflammation. Whether you want to rub it in as a topical cream or dose it to your pet orally, this organic compound can be a great way to alleviate and heal the discomfort.
If your pet is prone to biting, scratching, or rubbing a sore spot and you have noticed the skin getting inflamed, lathering some CBD oil onto the affected area can help it heal. The CBD oil will not only aid in lessening the inflammation, but it can also relieve itchiness in the process.
2. Relieves Anxiety and Stress
CBD oil is derived from cannabis, a plant that is often associated with its ability to calm the nerves of people and animals. When you give your pet CBD oil, they’ll feel the medicinal and calming effects of the CBD oil without the high that comes from the THC. Your pet can go from being a nervous wreck to suddenly sprawling out or peacefully sleeping.
This makes CBD oil a fantastic option for people traveling with their pets, animals who are scared of thunderstorms, or those with animals prone to ADHD. You can also use this organic treatment to soothe your pets whilst you move to a new home. There are so many ways we can use CBD oil to calm the nerves of your beloved pets, and you won’t have to worry about any harmful side effects.
3. Alleviate Osteoarthritis in Dogs
If your dog is experiencing osteoarthritic symptoms (a common joint disease), cannabis oil for dogs has been proven to relieve the effects of osteoarthritis. This is such a revolutionary way to not only lessen the pain felt from this horrible joint disease but heal it all together and allow your dog to live a healthier life.
CBD oil for dogs can also be especially helpful with pure breed German Shepherds, Golden and Labrador Retrievers, which are prone to arthritis and joint pain.
4. Pain Relief
One of the best attributes of CBD oil is that it can be an excellent pain relief medication. If your pet has recently had an operation, is just feeling the years, or has recently hurt itself jumping, climbing, or running about, you can use CBD oil for pets to relieve the discomfort and pain.
With no side effects, this 100% organic substance is something many people are turning to for just that. CBD oil offers a natural solution with no psychoactive effects, allowing your pets to be free from extreme pain and feel less edgy during the trying times of injury or disease.
5. Preservation of Wellness
Cannabidiol (or CBD oil) works on the endocannabinoid system, stimulating the cannabinoid receptors and further assisting several organ systems to function. When the endocannabinoid system is in full health, it assists the overall functionality of the immune system as well.
Giving your pet CBD oil is a wonderful way to ensure that your fluffy, four-legged family member lives a wholesome and healthy life that is full of movement and vitality. CBD oil for pets will help to maintain and regulate their endocannabinoid system. So you can rest assured that treating your pets with this natural substance can add plenty of value to their lives.
Where Can I Buy CBD Oil in South Africa? | Wrapped Up
It’s as easy as adding droplets into your dog’s bowl of food, slipping it under your cat’s tongue, or rubbing it into your horse’s or other pets’ irritated skin. There are many simple ways to give this compound to your pets.
This organic substance is taking the world of human and animal medication by storm! Treating your pet with CBD oil will ease so much pain, stress, and other ailments for your fluffy companion and improve the general lifestyle that they live.
Next Read: Can You Give Cats CBD Oil In South Africa? | Pros, Cons + Dosage
its too soon to say that Ive noticed major changes but I can say, that its easily digested and both the dogs and the cats dont even notice that its in their food.
I’ve been giving Riley half the dosage for the past week and can see a small difference so far with him being a little less anxious when someone is outside our gate. I will be giving him the required dosage from tomorrow and I’m hoping to see a bigger difference!
Having trouble getting my cat to eat it, will keep trying
Product is easy to use and even tho ive not seen any results, I am hoping to see an improvement soon in my pet. My dog has been on the drops for one week now.
My cat is 20 years old this year. She has arthritis in her back and her joints. I decided to put her on the CBD drop to aid with pain. Although this does not cure-all, there is definitely a difference in her behaviour. Her eyes are brighter, and considering how little she grooms, her skin and fur have also improved. I would certainly recommend this to pet owners.
The bottle top was crooked and bottle wouldn’t seel properly so it was messy to use and I did follow the instructions to press down while closing. My dogs liked it though.
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